Things To Know Before Getting Teeth Bonding
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Things To Know Before Getting Teeth Bonding

Ideally, your permanent teeth should last forever. Unfortunately they can discolour, crack, or even chip when you bite on hard items such as pens. Dental damage can also happen during sports and car accidents. It’s even easier if you have bite problems, tooth decay, and teeth grinding and clenching. High acidity exposure can also cause enamel erosion, weakening the tooth and making it susceptible to damage.

If left untreated, dental damage can worsen and lead to secondary problems such as tooth decay, gum inflammation, and tooth loss. These complications will likely cause the need for more expensive and invasive treatments such as root canals, dental implants, and dental crowns. Fortunately, your dentist can help you repair dental damage and restore your oral health through dental bonding.

What Is Tooth Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure commonly used to repair chipped, cracked, broken, or discoloured teeth. It’s also effective at fixing unhealthy teeth gaps and lengthening short teeth. The procedure is easy and doesn’t always require special preparation.

If you’re considering dental bonding, visit our dental clinic in New Westminster to find out if you’re a suitable candidate. Typically, dental bonding is for minor dental damages, and it may not work for severe damages or decay. In such a case, your dentist will likely recommend a dental crown.

Tooth Bonding Procedure

Your dentist will book you for the procedure if you’re eligible for the treatment. The procedure is straightforward and may not even require anesthesia. The first stage involves choosing a composite resin shade that matches closely with your natural teeth. Next, the dentist will prepare the tooth that needs repair.

Then, they will roughen the tooth and apply a bonding agent to allow the bonding material to bond easily. Next, the dentist will apply the bonding material to the area that needs fixing. The material is moulded to the tooth to ensure natural results. A special light hardens the material and quickens the bonding procedure. Lastly, your dentist will further shape and polish the tooth to ensure aesthetically appealing results. Your tooth will look like new!

Important Things to Note about Dental Bonding

If you’re considering dental bonding, here are a few facts about the treatment that you should know before making a decision:

  • The treatment can be irreversible

Depending on your tooth’s condition, the dentist may have to trim down a portion of the tooth’s enamel. Sometimes, they might even alter the tooth’s natural shape. Once the natural tooth’s structure is compromised, you can’t reverse it. Removing the restoration will expose the tooth to decay and breakage.

  • Versatility

Composite dental bonding can fix numerous dental imperfections such as chipped, broken, and cracked teeth. Bonding also hides teeth stains that won’t respond to teeth bleaching. Your dentist can also perform teeth bonding for gaps and misalignments, saving you the need for lengthy orthodontic treatments.

  • You may need a replacement.

While dental bonding is durable, it won’t last forever. Composite bonding lasts for about 4-8 years with proper dental care and maintenance. Additionally, bonding is not as hard or strong as your tooth’s enamel. It’s vulnerable to breakage and staining. Therefore, avoid chewing hard foods or using your bonded tooth as a tool. Additionally, highly pigmented items such as soda, tea, coffee, and ketchup can stain the bonded tooth.

  • Not ideal for all patients

While dental bonding is effective, it’s not suitable for everyone. Patients with bruxism who grind their teeth may not be ideal for the treatment. Similarly, dental bonding may not be suitable for significant tooth damage. Instead, veneers and crowns are more effective in repairing dental damage and strengthening the tooth.

  • Easy, painless, and quick treatment

Because dental bonding doesn’t involve drilling and tooth trimming in most cases, the treatment is quick and painless. The treatment typically requires a single appointment.

How to Care for Bonded Teeth

Caring for your bonded teeth and mouth is essential to extend its lifespan. Use these self-care tips:

  • Brush and floss daily
  • Avoid hard, sticky, and crunchy foods
  • Don’t bite on your nails or use your teeth to open cans
  • Avoid or limit highly pigmented items such tea, soda, coffee, and red wine to avoid stains
  • Schedule regular dental exams and cleanings
  • Notify your dentist immediately if your bonding accidentally gets damaged.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

For more information about composite bonding in New Westminster, contact Asante Dental Centre.

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