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Exam and Cleaning in New Westminster, BC

Exam & Cleaning

Regular exams and professional cleanings can help you maintain your healthy and attractive smile at all times. Our team of dentists near you can diagnose and address problems during the early stages before they turn into emergencies.

Have You Scheduled an Exam at Asante Dental Centre?

While daily oral hygiene goes a long way in preventing dental problems, regular dental visits are equally important. It pays to get dental or gum problems diagnosed and treated in time. Untreated dental issues often worsen over time and involve costly and complicated treatments at a later stage.

If your dental exam and teeth cleaning is pending, please call our dentists in New Westminster, BC to book an appointment.

Steps Involved in Exams and Cleanings

Dental exams and cleanings in New Westminster, BC: involve more than just looking at your teeth. We check your medical history to see if there are additional precautions you need to take based on your medical health. For example patients taking certain medications may be more likely to get swollen gums. We check your dental history and provide recommendations to help you maintain good oral health. We screen your mouth for oral cancer and infections and check your jaw joints, your bite as well as your teeth and gums

Visual Checkup: Our dentists will examine your teeth for signs of decay, infection, caries, or gaps. We will also look for chipped, cracked, or broken teeth.

Low Radiation X-Rays: Our dentists may recommend low radiation diagnostic x-rays to get a clearer view of hidden cavities, pus, or abscesses.

Gum Disease Check: Our dentists will look for signs of redness, bleeding, pus formation, or tenderness in the gums. We will also measure the length of gum pockets using non-invasive, pain-free techniques.

Oral Cancer Screening: Regular screening for oral cancer dramatically increases the likelihood of survival and cure. Our dentists in New Westminster, BC will carefully look for abnormalities, lumps, masses, and raised patches of tissue.

Professional Teeth Cleanings

Our hygienists use ultrasonic and handheld tools to remove tartar and stubborn calculus from tooth surfaces and between the teeth. Following your scaling, the hygienist can polish your teeth and apply fluoride if needed. The hygienists will also take time to review how you can better take care of your teeth at home. You will leave us with a well-polished set of teeth and with tools to maintain your smile at home.

If you are due for a dental evaluation, please contact Asante Dental Centre for exams and cleanings near you.

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