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Now Accepting Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDPC)

We are happy to participate in this plan which will increase access to dental care for patients.

Our fees are based on the BC Dental Association’s Fee Guide and are not changing. However, depending on the level of income and the procedure being provided, there will be a co-payment and a fee guide difference that will need to be collected from the patient. We will let you know what this difference will be prior to your appointment.

Some procedures are not covered by the plan. We hope more procedures will be covered in the future. If you are planning to get any treatment that is not covered by this plan, we will be happy to provide an estimate.

How the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) Fees Work

Dentist’s Fee Based On Current Provincial Fee Schedule For Dentists
Dental Office Overhead (70% of the fee schedule)

This is the cost of providing treatment to you.

CDCP Eligible Fee (varies by procedure)

**Depending on your income, you may get up to 100% of this amount.

$80,000 – $89,999

Adjusted family net income
[40% of CDCP Eligible Fee]

$70,000 – $79,999

Adjusted family net income
[60% of CDCP Eligible Fee]

Lower than $70,000

Adjusted family net income
[100% of CDCP Eligible Fee]

Patient Portion

How the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) Fees Work

Co-payments based on adjusted family net income
Adjusted family net income How much will the CDCP cover How much you will cover
Lower than $70,000 100% of eligible oral health care
service costs will be covered at the
CDCP established fees.
0% of the CDCP established fees.
You may face additional charges as
described below.
Between $70,000 and $79,999 60% of eligible oral health care service
costs will be covered at the
CDCP established fees.
40% of the CDCP established fees.
You may face additional fees as
described below.
Between $80,000 and $89,999 40% of eligible oral health care
service costs will be covered at the
CDCP established fees.
60% of the CDCP established fees.
You may face additional fees as
described below.
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